
Monday, September 17, 2012

Josh's Job

I'm so proud of my hardworking honey!  He started his new position at Fort Knox Gold Mine in August!  Not mining but working on their ginormous equipment!  He really loves it and the guys he works with.  The only catch is that it's night shift.  He sees it as a bonus and actually enjoys it, but Fynn and I are still getting used to the new routine.  Bonus blessing: the timing of this was amazing!  He was told by management to apply for this job withing a couple weeks of me resigning from my position as RN and Fairbanks Memorial to be a stay at home mom!  I just feel like it was God confirming that it was the right choice for us right now!  Josh's dad and I got to go visit one day this summer, so here is just a glimpse of where Josh is working now:

The massive size of the pit is unbelievable and these photos really don't do it justice.  Every tier here is 30 feet.  The red rectangles to the right are conex containers lined up.

Each of these trucks are bigger than our house!  Oh and those brown streaks in the rock behind them?  That's gold.

Me sitting in the wheel of one of the trucks.  I think Josh said that this wasn't one of the bigger ones.

Holding a gold bar = 1/2 million!  They ship out something like a dozen of these a week!

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